Allen and Eva Walker

UPDATE 9.6.23

For everyone who has stood with us since last year in supporting this family in such amazing and wonderful ways, it is with great sadness that Allen passed away on September 3, 2023.   However, we rejoice knowing full that he is with Jesus…his first love.  Eva and their 7 children are facing an unexpected journey with unexpected needs.   We have been humbled by the generosity we received last year and know that your support of this family will be honored and used to the glory of God.

The Walker Family

Allen and Eva Walker have a beautiful, large family! They have 7 children, ages 3-14.  Their home is vibrant and active! However, in 2012 Allen began his journey with ALS.  While it has been slow progressing, it has impacted his daily life and ability to work.  The Lord has been faithful in providing every step of the way.  At the end of October, Allen’s family (including his mother) are moving into a home that will allow Allen to live more independently. He will have the ability to move freely in his wheelchair and it will allow him to interact with his family in ways which he is currently unable to do. Prior to moving in, there are modifications to the master bathroom and a few other areas of the home that must be made in order for these spaces to function well for him.  There are also some ongoing financial needs and medical equipment that are required as the family continues to overcome the loss of his income. The Walker family has great confidence and peace, knowing that the Lord has always been faithful to them and is standing in faith for complete and total healing for Allen!

* All Donations are the property of Helping Hands Ministries and to be used at the discretion of Helping Hands Ministries.