Annie Dimond

Annie Dimond is in her final year of PhD studies in Theological Ethics and Practical Theology. She is researching how ecclesial and personal formation occurs in the midst of changing cultural and academic spaces. Because the academy, church, and society have been reconfigured so rapidly in the last decades, she is interested in developing theological language that describes and captures what we are doing when we engage in the everyday work of university chaplaincy. She is focusing her current work on the history of chaplaincy structures, practices and discourse in the University of Edinburgh as a way to help Christians who are training in pastoral and lay ministry to discern their spiritual practices in an era focused on and influenced by ideas of personal wellbeing. Although Annie’s work is particularly focused on one chaplaincy context, her work to form language and understanding for Christian faith and living in a “post Christian” world will be fruitful for people living and working in many contexts.


Annie has lived the reality of these questions all over the US and Scotland. She has worked in as a director of an ethics-focused living-learning community for undergraduates interested in service, faith and justice; as a resource navigator among homeless youth; as an enneagram teacher, coach, and supervisor of enneagram coaches (in the narrative tradition); and most recently, as a lay Christian university chaplain. Annie worships at St. John the Evangelist Church (Anglican) in Aberdeen, Scotland where she serves as a lay reader, intercessor, and occasionally preaches.


Now she is raising funds as a part of the Aberdeen Quartet (women in theological ethics) to fund her living expenses while she undertakes her practical theological research and work.

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