Dave and Mandy Litzke

The Litzke Family’s Story

“We put our ‘YES’ on the table, then we let God ask the questions.”  This declaration is the creed that Dave & Mandy Litzke have lived by for years.

Born into a tragic situation that included individuals bound by alcoholism and addiction, Mandy is well acquainted with trauma and pain.  The vices of her stepfather would lead to severe neglect and abuse and would eventually take the life of her mother.  As a foster youth, she would eventually be placed in a Christ-centered home with a family who loved her unconditionally and eventually said “yes” to adopting her.  Mandy knew she wanted to extend this love she was given to other vulnerable children.  

Early on in their marriage, Dave & Mandy felt called to carry out the mission of James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…”  Over the course of their marriage, they said “yes” to adopting 15 children, both domestically and internationally, from 8 different countries. As they refer to it, they have 2 “home grown” children and 15 “heart grown” children.  Nine of their adopted children have mild to moderate disabilities, including Down Syndrome and cerebral palsy. The stories of how the Litzke children all came home to Ohio are varied, but each one exemplifies the love and intentionality of the Father through the many miracles that happened to make each adoption come about.  

In April of 2022, an electrical fire started in the master bedroom of their home. Miraculously, all 9 children with special needs still living at home were ushered out unharmed, but the house was severely damaged, leaving the family in search of another place to live. They lived in a hotel for 6 weeks before a rental was provided where they lived for 1 ½ years while searching for a house to buy. Finding a home that was both large enough and met the needs required with multiple special needs children proved to be a very difficult and much longer than expected journey. God faithfully led them to a property this past November that checked many boxes for what their family needed. While it doesn’t immediately provide all the bedrooms and bathrooms needed, the basement provides potential to finish out and double the living space of the house. To make the basement livable, they are looking at the following needs:

A stairway opening/stairs built
Egress windows installed
Family room
3 bedrooms
Bathroom and laundry rooms


We believe so much in the mission of the Litzke family and are excited and honored to say “yes” to partnering with them in finishing their home. We’d love to partner with you for them! Funds, products, and construction skills are needed.

“We put our ‘YES’ on the table, then we let God ask the questions.”  

Please share this story, project name and number, and volunteer information with anyone you know who may want to contribute money and/or time and skill.  

* All Donations are the property of Helping Hands Ministries and to be used at the discretion of Helping Hands Ministries.