Your search for "Financial Hardship" returned the following results:
Victor and Rachel Kuligin

All donations will go to making a difference in the lives of the Kuligin’s.  Thank you for choosing to help.

Matt & Tara Shepherd

Please consider helping Matt & Tara overcome their financial struggles.  All donations are appreciated.

Memphis Rose Hamman

Memphis Rose Hamman is a smart, spunky 9 year old girl who loves sparkles, Barbies, and pink. Her smile lights up a room, and she has big dreams to help other people. On June 7, 2020, she was […]

Keegan and Caroline Fridblom

Please help support Keegan and Caroline through this hard time. All donations are appreciated!

Ivis Rodriguez

Please help support Ivis through this difficult time. All donations are appreciated.

Amy Blahnik

By making a contribution, you are choosing to make a life changing impact for Amy financially. All donations are appreciated.

Israel Alvarez

Please help Israel. Due to a financial hardship stemming from a medical issue he is facing eviction.

Stephanie Pasquarella

Please help Stephanie through this hard time. All donations are greatly appreciated!

Sandi Horsley

Please help support Sandi through this hard time. All donations are appreciated.

Rita Gibson

Rita Gibson and her Grandchildren need a new home. Rita Gibson’s husband died in recent years, leaving Rita to care for her granddaughter Abigail by herself with a little help from her daughter. In January of 2020, Rita’s […]

Brad & Christine Fly

Please help support Brad and Christine through this hard time. All donations are appreciated.

Terrence & Margaret Melton

All donations are appreciated as they struggle through a financial crisis.

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