A Thank You from Cathy

Categories: Uncategorized
October 31, 2022
I hope you all are aware …despite my very overdue communication….the amazing things that have been happening with our Ukrainian connection ….thanks be to God and Helping Hands 🙂
I am very sorry I have not sent an update sooner. I am composing an update to everyone who participated in the event or donated or interested in giving …..but want to send you this before ( since composing that may take a while 🙂
Thanks to so many generous people ….Katya has a car, and has passed her drivers license.
Tim is thriving in Jacksonville with a school that has been very intentional ( he was elected to a “young mens association” at his school that is basically a leadership group inn the elementary school … his is a young man … 11 year old who barely spoke English in August ) He is thriving in his soccer travel elite soccer team. Katya ,now having a car, is now able to be a little less dependent on my friend and her church though quite honestly they have become her family. My good friend who is a neighbor at Old Toccoa Farm part time , also has a house in Ponte Vedra. Nancy is a strongwomen believer and owns home health care company. It turns out that she is friends with the person in charge of the retirement home where Katya and Tim live ( the acquaintance who helped her to come to the US owns the the facility ) Nancy and her company have hosted two receptions after concerts for Katya ( wine/appetizer receptions ). Did I mention that Katya is a concert pianist( equivalent of Juilliard in Ukraine ) …. There just “happens” to be a grand piano at the retirement facility , so she gives concerts for the residents when she is not working in the kitchen …
Kostya is still in Ukraine and struggling with not being with his family. The escalation of bombing in Kiev has really been hard on him. He is trying to continue in humanitarian work but it is hard to “survive” himself….much less serve others when there are no jobs and the sirens go off day and night.
I am still being contacted weekly by people wanting to give in some capacity. I am so thankful this story continues to grow….and the God Dots continue to be connected. Thank you for all you do for helping make this a reality .
In Him