We wish Levia and Kyle countless blessings!

“We are truly grateful for the time and resources Helping Hands has invested in making our home more comfortable and enjoyable…” – Levia
Levia was served by Fostering Hope for many years. They attended her graduation, helped her furnish her first apartment, and provided countless hours of emotional support. Now, she is doing fantastic! She has completed her training to become a volunteer helping youth who are in the same position she was just a few years ago. Levia and her husband, Kyle, have also become first time homeowners this past year. Unfortunately, shortly after moving in, they discovered their deck was unsafe and needed to be replaced.
Through another successful partnership with Fostering Hope, Helping Hands has been able to serve in the replacement of the deck into a concrete patio. We wish Levia and Kyle countless blessings as they embark on another year in their first home together, while serving our community!